sábado, 22 de diciembre de 2012

Mi crónica del recital de Dead can Dance

Primero que nada un saludo para las almas que llegan aquí a este blog, que lo estaba empezando a abandonar, pero esto sin duda tenía que contarlo y es mi crónica del recital de Dead Can Dance 
El día había empezado bastante raro, llovió durante todo el día muy fuerte, aunque la lluvia se detuvo un par de veces pero por pocos minutos, además durante la mañana en el centro por un accidente causó la aparición de una nube tóxica que complicó todo para aquellos que se encontraban allí. Aquí está el link de la noticia contando este suceso: http://www.lanacion.com.ar/1534241-una-nube-toxica-causo-caos-y-panico-en-el-centro-de-la-ciudad

Yo que vivo lejos del teatro(Federico Lacroze y Álvarez Thomas) tenía un viaje bastante largo y la lluvia era un obstáculo bastante importante a sortear, ya que las lluvias que están sucediendo ahora ya no son lluvias normales, siempre se rompe algo varios barrios se quedan sin luz etc. Ya tuvimos temporales en Buenos Aires en julio de 2006 y en abril de 2012 que fue MUCHO PEOR ------>click aquí <-------- font="font" nbsp="nbsp">pero tenía que ir igual. Ellos solo vinieron una vez allá por los YA lejanos 90 cuando todo era mejor y la atmósfera musical era diferente, que sabe uno si van a volver a venir. No lo se, pero tenía que asegurarme y además ya había pagado ¡¡¡300!!! pesos para ir a verlos. Llegué a las 7 de la tarde, el cielo se puso de mi lado haciendo que la lluvia cesara mientras esperaba, pero no mucho porque las puertas se abrieron enseguida, el recital empezaba a las 9, pero antes tocó uno de sus percusionistas(que yo no se quien es pero si averiguo algo lo ENCONTRARÉ)con unos instrumentos que no se como se llaman parecían bols de cocina, el tocó en varios bollitos que tenían esos "bols" y le sacó un montón de sonidos y melodías que realmente aseguro que me sorprendieron ya que jamás en mi vida había oído nada igual. Para cerrar este músico tomó una pandereta forrada con cuero que al tocarla hizo de ese simple instrumento casi una orquesta(!)El percusionista se despidió y se fue(para volver mas tarde)pero ya nos había dejado con la intriga y un gran gusto de escuchar tan buena música. Tocó por media hora, pero se pasó rápido y ya eran las 8, así que nos quedaba 1 hora mas para esperar el gran momento. Sin embargo, nos llevamos otra sorpresa: empezaron 20:10hs cuando todos pensábamos que iban a comenzar a las 21hs como decía la entrada(o ticket) del recital y en general lo normal es que empiecen mas tarde de lo previsto como suele suceder en la mayoría de recitales sin distinción de músicos.
El escenario fue muy sobrio, pero el juego de luces hizo lo suyo, pero para que hace falta tanta parafernalia cuando el talento de Lisa Gerrard, Brendan Perry y los músicos que los acompañan eran una catarata de talento puro, de lo mejor de los últimos 30 años, no es fanatismo, pero el que sepa de música no podrá negar tal cosa. Otro dato curioso es lo variado que era el público, gente vestida de forma común, fans de cosas del yoga new age,etc, rockeros y metaleros varios además de góticos. También lo variado eran las edades de los espectadores, pero la franja de edad era mas de personas mayores, hasta me arriesgaría a decir que yo era uno de los mas jóvenes espectadores y eso que tengo 24 años :P No tengo mucho mas para decir sino que fue uno de los mejores recitales que vi en mi vida, de seguró iré a muchos mas pero este será muy dificil de superar, fue en un teatro, no en un megaestadio y nada que ver pero lograron una atmósfera increíble, su música te transporta a tierras lejanas a las cuales para los simples mortales nos es complicado llegar, pero estamos ahí, viajando a través del tiempo, del espacio y en compañía de espíritus diferentes. Fueron 2 horas de un gran concierto tocaron todos los temas de su último disco Anastasis y otros temas de todas las épocas, aunque algunos clásicos quedaron afuera, pero en fin, todo no se puede, pero todos los presentes quedamos satisfechos. Sin mas que decir por ahora me retiro hasta las próximas palabras, ya que el viaje continúa... sin embargo la puerta a la expectativa queda abierta


Hasta la próxima y lo mejor para vos que estas leyendo esto


FOTOS DEL RECITAL(click en las imágenes para agrandar)

jueves, 10 de mayo de 2012

The Kovenant: SETI(2003) [Download]


 1. Cybertrash5:57
2. Planet of the apes4:04
3. Star by star4:23
4. Via negativa5:59
5. Stillborn universe5:23
6. Acid theatre4:10
7. Perfect end6:50
8. Neon5:45
9. Keepers of the garden5:49
10. Pantomime6:23
11. Hollow earth5:44
12. Industrial Twilight
total time60:27


. Cybertrash

Superstition, disguised as faith
The Fear of death plagues their eyes
Automated animation, a fingerprint personality
Born of desperation,
So terrified that you just might dissappear when you die
And that there is no difference between right or wrong

Elimination of the modern nation
No need for the excess population
Twisted monuments of human decay
Old death to new beginnings
Remake the world in genocide
Everything they taught you is a lie

Would you die for this?
Fake and fractured, soulless and manufactured
Would you die for this?
Crossbred and numbered, we are cybertrash

Proclaimed by a thousand prophets
Believed by a million fools
Its an endless line of tragedies
What is faith but another word for superstition
On the ruins of the old
Free of the moral waste
Perfect and gleaming
In the light of the morning star

Would you die for my sins?
Or would you take my life and try to make it yours?
Prove me wrong, but I'll still see it my own way

Would you die for this?
Fake and fractured, soulless and manufactured
Would you die for this?
Crossbred and numbered, we are cybertrash

2. Planet Of The Apes

To many lies breeds to many flies
It's evolution through confusion
Hate is never without reason
Love is never without treason

Monkey see - Monkey do
Evolution was never true
Of all the lies they feed to you
What you see is what you do
Monkey me and monkey you

"Godly" parasites in massive invasion
Deformed creation... Unnatural Invention
Procreate, then desecrate - Inseminate, then devastate
No hope for humanity...It's a planet of apes

Monkey see - Monkey do
Evolution was never true
Of all the lies they feed to you
What you see is what you do
Monkey me and monkey you

Nothing new ever came out of someone like you
Don't decieve yourself thinking that you know what to do
What will you do when all your toys are broken
What will you say when all your lines are spoken

No hope for humanity.... it's a planet of apes

Gently violated and desecrated
The quintessential art of self-destruction
You left behind the will to believe in nothing
You are never going to be what you want to be

Monkey see - Monkey do
Evolution was never true
Of all the lies they feed to you
What you see is what you do
Monkey me and monkey you

3. Star By Star

We were alone and on our own, in the dark between the stars
From the shadows to the pyre, amidst the chaos, from the stars
Love, life and liberty, Hate, death and captivity
Like a stain of starless darkness, across the canvas of space

Star by Star
Corrupting all of humanity
So much alike are we
When I see you I see me

Galaxies glitter in the black night sky, Towards progress, towards death
From the stars we have come, and to the stars we will return

The violence of passion - The passion of violence
The perverse impulses - The savage egoism
The wicked presence - The wicked essence
The thing that unites us - The thing that divides us

Star by Star
Corrupting all of humanity
So much alike are we
When I see you I see me

4. Via Negativa

The arrogance of angels, the heresy of Christ
The stupidity of humanity, the skeletons of society
It's time to separate the saints from the sinners
Judgement day is coming - Evacuate then renovate

Proclaimed by a thousand prophets, believed by a million fools
But the day will come when everything falls apart
All it takes is a single act of animal desperation
And what if all the things we believed in were true

Decades of decadence and aeons of evil
Worldwide terror in the shape of a shining star
From the center of damnation to the outskirts of Hell
Redemption only comes with a pair of numbered wings

In our quest for miracles, we started a war of genitals
Disguised as the bearers of justice, we took your fears a made you a God

Why are you afraid of something you're not even sure exists?
I am the maze of God... I am the true face of fraud
Embrace the pain, and I will lead you to another heaven
For who are you to belive in another paradise than mine?

The Infant Prodigy - The Bearer of Light
Without me you would be nothing at all
The beginning and the end are the same, the circle never ends
And the more things change, the more they stay the same

Decades of decadence and aeons of evil
Worldwide terror in the shape of a shining star
From the center of damnation to the outskirts of Hell
Redemption only comes with a pair of numbered wings

5. Stillborn Universe

Lost in this place, like fragments of another time
I close my eyes and see myself from above
Drifting apart, like splinters of scattered glass
But we all have our own reasons to continue

Don't you want it this way?
(I can't go on)
Don't you need it this way?
(I can't go on)
Don't you love it this way?
(I can't go on)
Don't you need it anyway...

I can't come down when your around
I lose control and hit the ground
So everything must change
and all remains the same
This is a stillborn universe

We are battered, we are torn
(it pleases me to see you broken)
We're the hate that you adore
(it pleases me to see you broken)
We are hollow, we are bruised
(it pleases me to see you broken)
We are numb and self-abused
(it pleases me to see you broken)

I can't come down when your around
I lose control and hit the ground
So everything must change
and all remains the same
This is a stillborn universe

You thought that life would be so wonderful..
You thought that all could be so beautiful..
You thought that everything, would be so simple
You thought that everything would be so perfect


I can't come down when your around
I lose control and hit the ground
So everything must change
and all remains the same
This is a stillborn universe

6. Acid Theatre

Liquid phantom fields of motion
For those who cannot see the future
Like masked sands of deception
The wave of the future foundation

Green fields of euphoria
A disfigured replica of paradise
A distant enigma light
Splintered apart in spatial distortion

Never believe the things they tell you
Never trust the lies they feed you
Never do what the want you to do
Never be who they want you to be

Shade and shadow, through glory and ecstacy
Erotic sensations arising from the misery of others
Believe what you will,
untill experience changes your mind
For the day is not done,
and I have miles to go to make them sleep forever

Never believe the things they tell
Never trust the lies they feed you
Never do what the want you to do
Never be who they want you to be

7. The Perfect End

Look at me and tell me what you see
I am not what you think I am
Too weird to live, too rare to die
Haloed in the headlights of death
Is this Hell disguised as heaven?
Is this death masquerading as life?
So much is said, so little shown
I see no reason, I feel no end

This is not a happy ending
This is not a last goodbye
Open your eyes and stop pretending
This is not the perfect end

This is not a new beginning
This is not a last farewell
Open your eyes and stop pretending
This is not the perfect end

Stitched up like a ragged doll
Wrapped around your naked soul
I am what you know as temptation
I am the ancient deception

I wish I could leave this world behind
I wish I had the will to end it all
But I shall paint my nightmares
And things will never be the same again

This is not a happy ending
This is not a last goodbye
Open your eyes and stop pretending
This is not the perfect end

This is not a new beginning
This is not a last farewell
Open your eyes and stop pretending
This is not the perfect end

8. Neon

Bastard proclamations of a dying nation
Social deconstruction through deceit and deception
Hit us with your pointing stick
Golden arches crucifix
We will never be like you

Subliminal derangment of the human senses
Corporate illusions of holy intervention
Vulture culture history
Television ministry
We will never be like you

Let me be your neon god
We've got brand new illusions for your plastic souls
Were all wired up and ready to go
Because gravity means nothing now
A man made messiah of concrete and steel
Instant salvation through your t.v.screen
Let me be your god....

Subdue your maker - Subdue your maker
I am the giver and I am the taker
Subdue your maker - Subdue your maker
All succomb to me...

Let me be your neon god
We've got brand new illusions for your plastic souls
Were all wired up and ready to go
Because gravity means nothing now
A man made messiah of concrete and steel
Instant salvation through your t.v.screen
Let me be your god....

9. Keepers Of The Garden

In the darkness of space, they suffer in temptation
Dementia creeping closer, but what difference does it make

Sometimes the best way up is down
And for some moments in life there are no words
The sky is filled with dead stars
There is no escape...There is no return
In a state of terror and confusion
With euphoria as an ambition...
Through the doors of perception
We will leave this place behind

Wide open space, so out of place
We were exiled and we were disgraced
Eye at the center, dawn of our race
Edge of the cosmos, heart of all space

The ancient deception, the so-called fall from grace
And Eden was just a place in outer space...
The shining ones, the keepers of the garden
The ancient ones, those who came from the sky

Wide open space, so out of place
We were exiled and we were disgraced
Eye at the center, dawn of our race
Edge of the cosmos, heart of all space

10. Pantomime

Burning bright in the industries of night
Between the stars like a wanderer, across the sea of suns
I reached out for the radiant shadow of a figure with horns
Drawn like a moth to flame, and into the lions den

Space cities of wonders, at an evolutionary dead-end
Pale electric shadows, locked together in common self-hatred
All it takes is an idea, a single word can change the world
I tried as hard as I could to make you understand,
There`s no difference between up or down out here

Xenophobia...Five fingers are no longer enough
Xenophobia...We lost control along time ago

The Judas halo - The betrayer spirit
The human ambition in all its disfigured glory
Liars of Light - Masters of Night
We all get what we deserve in the end

Xenophobia...Five fingers are no longer enough
Xenophobia...We lost control along time ago

11. Hollow Earth

Dead center in the middle of nowhere
Coma existence...Surrounded by the living dead
There is no hope, There is no tomorrow
You took our world and you bled it dry

These are the last days of planet earth
(and) We will be there when they realize the truth
We're spinning around on our way to hell
We can never get off this carousell
These are the last days of planet earth

Victims of a defective genepool
Soulless existence...forever in pointless directions
Out of tune with true evolution
There are no answers, there is no solution

These are the last days of planet earth
(and) We will be there when they realize the truth
We're spinning around on our way to hell
We can never get off this carousell
These are the last days of planet earth

"The heart of a mystery is seen through imagination
but obscured by our inability to control chaos..."

We're spinning around on our way to hell
We can never get off this carousell
These are the last days of planet earth
We're spinning around on our way to hell
We can never get off this carousell
These are the last days of planet earth

12. Industrial Twilight

United we stand in shared perversion
The love of death - The paradise of Hell
This infinite limbo, like a great black engine
Ultimate abomination, no one here gets out alive

Let the posion arrows fall
Let the pillars of "heaven" crumble
Martyrs to no one but ourselves
We are the rusted pillars of a better tomorrow

Give me your crippled hand, and I?ll drag you into evolution
Compassion is obsolete, the answers are no longer true
To many sides to chose from, fascism in masked control forms
Paradise...prepare for deconstruction

Welcome to the radiant silos of Atom
Man-made misery, the perfect anti-life
Divine radiation, the corruption of flesh
Ours is the God of nuclear winter

Synthesized evolution of tomorrow
When we tried to become, the world turned negative
You were the words in my mouth
When I was just trying to save their world

Welcome to the radiant silos of Atom
Man-made misery, the perfect anti-life
Divine radiation, the corruption of flesh
Ours is the God of nuclear winter

"Once I was the carrier of wounds,
featherless and without direction,
Never a saint nor a saviour,
relentless in my search for a higher existence...
In a nuclear war...All men will be cremated equal!"

13. The Memory Remains

[Metallica cover]

[Limited Edition Bonus]

Fortune, fame
Mirror vain
Gone insane
But the memory remains

Heavy rings on fingers wave
Another star denies the grave
See the nowhere crowd
Cry the nowhere cheers of honor

Like twisted vines that grow
Hide and swallow mansions whole
In light of an already
Faded prima donna

Fortune, fame
Mirror vain
Gone insane...
Fortune, fame
Mirror vain
Gone insane...
But the memory remains

Heavy rings hold cigarettes
Up to lips that time forgets
While the Hollywood sun sets
Behind your back

And can't the band play on
Just listen, they play my song
Ash to ash
Dust to dust
Fade to black

Fortune, fame
Mirror vain
Gone insane...
Fortune, fame
Mirror vain
Gone insane...
Dance little tin goddess

Nananananana nananada nananananana nanananadana
Nananananana nananada nananananana nanananadana

Drift away
Fade away
Little tin goddess

Ash to ash
Dust to dust
Fade to black

Fortune, fame
Mirror vain
Gone insane...
Fortune, fame
Mirror vain
Gone insane...
But the memory remains

Ash to ash
Dust to dust
Fade to black...
But the memory remains
Faded prima donna

Dance little tin goddess dance

Nananananana nananada nanananana nanananadana
Nananananana nananada nanananana nanananadana

14. Subtopia

[Limited Edition Bonus]

We are the shattered illusions of a perfect world
We are the symptoms of your deceases
We are your self-imposed arch nemesis
And we are your broken hopes and dreams

We are the people of subtopia
And we make no sound underneath the ground
We are the ones you didnt want us to be
Now were taking over, were breaking free

We are the bastard creation of radiation
We are your filth, lies and dirt
We are manipulated and fabricated
And We are the toxic children of earth

We are the people of subtopia
And we make no sound underneath the ground
We are the ones you didnt want us to be
Now were taking over, were breaking free

"Your chains cannot shackle us
Your light cannot blind us
Your words cannot deafen us
We are...What you didn't want us to be"

We are the people of subtopia
And we make no sound underneath the ground
We are the ones you didnt want us to be
Now were taking over, were breaking free

Link to Download/Link para descargar/Link per scaricare

lunes, 9 de abril de 2012

Burzum: Il racconto del Bardo: Parte VII: Il Progresso


Ogni inverno, quando ero un bambino, andavamo a praticare con la slitta per le strade. Andavamo a slittare sul ghiaccio in un lago che c´èra dietro a casa nostra e a sciare al lato di una collina boscosa che si trovava a cinquanta metri più meno della nostra casa. Ogni primavera, portavamo fuori le biciclette delle pensiline e andavamo a visitare ai nostri amici. Tutte l´ estate giocavamo nei prati fioriti, andavamo a nuotare al mare bambine e bambini, e pescavamo a centi metri delle nostre capanne d´estate. Ogni autunno pioveva, e costruivamo bacini con le foglie e rami caduti degli alberi, dopo costruivamo piccoli barchetti fatti con la corteccia e li facevamo navigare per l´acqua della strada al aprire i bacini. Quando l´oscurità tornava, con l´autunno, giocavamo a nasconderci dietro gli alberi morti, e ci occultavamo nelle ombre e sotto molte foglie di colore giallo, rosso, e arancione. L´infanza era un gioco di mai più finire, interrotta unicamente per i cibi e il sonno, interrotta solo per l´asilo e la scuola e crudelmente finita per l´età e il tempo.

Allora con il passo del tempo, le strade si pienarono di macchine, quindi era troppo pericoloso per i bambini giocare nella strada. Il lago è diventato in un pantano quando hanno costruito un´urbanizzazione e vari appartamenti al altro lato del valle. Gli alberi furono abbattuti. Il clima cambiò e la neve cominciò a scarseggiare. A volte si stabiliva un accampamento zíngaro nei dintorni, e ogni volta che potevano ci rubavano nelle nostre proprietà. Nessun bambino fu visto giocando all´aria libera mai più, ne in primavera. I pesci hanno sparito del mare. Quasi tutto diventò sporco, coperto di fumo e fango, grigio e maleodorante

Ecco come io ricordo l´infanzia e l´adolescenza. Tutto andava bene, ma solo per un tempo. A medida che io diventavo maggiore tutto lo buono spariva

Cio che prima era una società sana è diventata ammalata. Tutto cio che sprecava luce diventò grigio. Io stavo diventando un testimone-oculare del “progresso”, di come Norvegia stava uscendo della povertà e trovò la felicità nel petroleo. Norvegia diventò un paese rico ¡Per la prima volta!

 Quando ho cresciuto non è stato mai successo vicino nessun crimine. Credo che soltanto si parlava di un furto in tutta la zona. È successo a un paio di chilometri di distanza, e per noi fu uno strano e preocupante evento, perche non c`eramo abituati. Dalla fine degli anni 60 o principi degli anni 70 l´indice di delinquenza è aumentato un 5000%(!)in Norvegia. Questo non è soltanto dovuto all´immigrazione Afro-Asiatica, ne per il potere corruttore della richezza, però perche nessuno fa niente per soluzionarlo, nessuno ha il potere per attuare. Lo chiamano “progresso”. Adesso non ne abbiamo libertà per(fare cio che vogliamo)ma sì la libertà per (la delinquenza e l´oppressione).

Varg Vikernes
Se questo è progresso, per favore datemi la dimissione
Corruptissima re publica plurimae leges. (C. Tácito) 

Lo stato più corrotto è il quale ha più leggi

jueves, 29 de marzo de 2012




lunes, 19 de marzo de 2012

Sweet and Wild Africa (avi) 1982

domingo, 18 de marzo de 2012



lunes, 12 de marzo de 2012




domingo, 4 de marzo de 2012

VLAD TEPES movie 1979 Rumania

En este momento de soledad nocturna, donde debería dormir y ahorrar energías para el próximo día, me siento en la obligación de trasnocharme para bajarme esta película que la he probado y por suerte funciona luego de esperar 2 horas, ya que después de lo que sucedió con megaupload animo a que bajemos todo lo que podamos antes que los links se den de baja.
Lo mas interesante sobre esta película es que es históricamente correcta; fue filmada en Rumanía con la colaboración del ministerio de defensa nacional rumano. Así que no esperen vampiros, hombres lobo, demonios, ni ninguna otra entidad sobrenatural en esta pelicula.
 Los subtitulos vienen en archivos aparte, en formato .sub
Nota2: Si no pueden descomprimir la película, inténtenlo con el programa 7zip. Es gratuito

link para descargar programa 7zip http://7-zip.softonic.com/

¿Como hacer para ver la película? Fácil, solo tenes que crear una carpeta donde estén el archivo de la película y los subtítulos, por ultimo si estas viendo esto solo te pido un favor:



In this moment of nightly loneliness I should go to bed and save energies for tomorrow, but I feel obligated to download this movie before its links be locked down as we all know the Megaupload case I encourage the people to download everything they can. I add this movie is historically correct. It was filmed in Romania with support of the National Romanian Ministery, so, don´t wait to watch, vampires neither werewolves nor another supernatural entity

How to watch the movie with its subtitles? It´s easy, the movie file must be in the same folder with the subtitles

link to open the movie file http://7-zip.softonic.com/


I used google translator

În acest moment de singurătate nocturnă, ​​în cazul în care el ar trebui să dormi şi de a salva de energie pentru a doua zi, mă simt obligat să iasă din trasnocharme acestui film care le-am testat şi din fericirefuncţionează după o aşteptare de 2 ore, pentru că, după ceea ce sa întâmplat pentru a vă încuraja să meargă în jos megaupload tot ceputem, înainte de link-uri de la scădere.
Cel mai interesant lucru despre acest film este faptul ca este corectistoric, a fost filmat în România, în colaborare cu Ministerul român alApărării Naţionale. Deci, nu va asteptati la vampiri, vârcolaci,demoni sau altă entitate supranaturală, în acest film.
  Cele subtitrari sunt în fişiere separate, inch Sub
Nota 2: Dacă nu se poate despacheta film, încercaţi cu programul7zip. este gratuit

link pentru a descărca programul 7zip   http://7-zip.softonic.com/

Links para los subtítulos(español/english)










